Wednesday, July 10, 2024

A lifesaving gift... a plan for domination and death - Deadly Diagnosis - Phoenix Agency - Contemporary Paranormal Suspense Romance - Book Hooks #MFRW #BookHooks #PhoenixAgency #PNR #Suspense



Phoenix Agency
Contemporary Paranormal Suspense Romance


A lifesaving gift…a plan for domination and death.


Within her unique DNA, Kimana holds the means to cure any illness permanently, a talent she’s used on those in her Shoshone community. When the billionaire owner of a pharmaceutical concern accidentally discovers what she can do, he fears the end to disease and his profits, and wants her dead.


As a member of the Phoenix Agency, Lucas arrives to protect Kimana from those set on her destruction. Ex-military intelligence, he’s seen a lot but no one like her, a woman seemingly born for him, her presence needed in his life, her gift as unique as his paranormal talent. To Kimana, he’s the man she’s been waiting for.


Together, they battle an adversary driven by insatiable greed who’ll stop at nothing to take what he wants. When her and Lucas’s lives are at risk, her gift can only save one before draining her life force and threatening her existence.


A sacrifice she’s willing to make for Lucas.

Praise for Deadly Diagnosis

FIVE STARS "Kimana’s amazing healing abilities and Lucas ability to be in multiple places at same time, make for an interesting psi matchup. Add a ton of stubbornness from both of them and you get a wild action, fast paced romance story that was difficult to put I didn’t. This is the first book I have read by Tina Donahue, but it won’t be the last. Highly recommend this one, don’t miss it!" PJ - Amazon

FIVE STARS "Kimana is a Shoshone healer who can heal any illness with her blood but doing so drains her life force. When a greedy, unscrupulous billionaire sets his sights on her the Phoenix Agency offers her protection. Reluctant to trust them or leave the reservation, Lucas manages to break through her distrust. He takes her to a safe house and they act on their mutual attraction. Lucas also has a unique ability multilocation and when her enemy comes for them each is willing sacrifice themself to save the other. Fortunately the Lotus Circle alerts them and the Phoenx Agency in time for them to send back up." Bre Rile - Amazon


A distressed or weary sigh wafted into this room from the kitchen.


The narrow doorway leading into it didn’t allow much view, simply a counter and low cabinets painted a sunny yellow, long female legs dangling over them.


Lucas dipped to the side to see more.


Kaku slipped her arm through his. “My granddaughter’s in the kitchen. We’ll talk there.” She pulled him toward it and leaned close, her mouth near his ear. “I’m afraid she was against you coming today, but I insisted.” Her voice lowered to a whisper. “You’ll have to win her over, though I’m sure you will.”


Another matter Dan had failed to mention.


Considering Poca followed them, Lucas spoke as quietly as she had. “Are she and the officer married?”


“Heavens no. I’m not certain they’re even friends any longer.” She pulled him inside the kitchen. “Kimana, please get down and greet our guest.”


Lucas hoped she would since every word he’d known had drifted away. His pulse ticked up, and his cock thickened.


Given her long legs, he guessed her to be five-eight or so standing. A good height to match a tall man. Youth blessed her pretty features, telling him she was, at most, late twenties. She’d worked her glossy black hair into a long braid that hung over her narrow shoulder. The script on her T-shirt read: Bossy Jerk Meet A PO’D Feminist — Let’s See Who Wins.


Little wonder she and Poca weren’t buddies any longer.


Lucas fought a pleased smile at her fire and tightened nipples. Those babies poked her smooth cotton top, the fabric hugging her like skin. The same for her fashionably ragged jeans.


He liked her cowboy boots. Referring to them as cowgirl wouldn’t have been right for such a spirited woman. One he was eager to meet and win over, as Kaku had said. “Hi.” He held out his hand. “I’m Lucas Byrne from the Phoenix Agency.”


She frowned at him then gave it to Poca.


He pushed past Lucas, knocking his shoulder to reach her side. “I’ll get rid of him. He and that damn agency won’t bother you—”


“Why are you still here?” Her scowl worsened. “No.” She lifted her hand before he could answer, protest, or draw his gun. “Why did you bother coming over? Kaku didn’t send for you and I sure as fuck didn’t.”


“Kimana.” The old woman sagged. “Must you use such language?”


At the admonition, regret rose in her dark-brown eyes, love and respect quickly replacing the first emotion.


Lucas’s dick hardened further. A curious though reasonable response. Her gutsy side was something, the feminine part even better. There weren’t many men he knew who could resist her soulful gaze, Poca included.


The poor guy edged toward her.


Her hard look not only stopped Poca but encouraged him to retreat to a far corner where he stayed. For the moment.


She gave Kaku a remorseful smile. “Sorry. I’ll be better. Mr. Byrne.” She didn’t come down from the counter, join him, or shake his hand. “You shouldn’t have come. I don’t need your help.”


He kept his manner non-threatening and gracious. “That isn’t what I heard.”

Tina’s an Amazon and international bestselling novelist who writes passionate romance for every taste – ‘heat with heart’ – for traditional publishers and indie. Booklist, Publisher’s Weekly, Romantic Times and numerous online sites have praised her work. She’s won Readers’ Choice Awards, was named a finalist in the EPIC competition, received a Book of the Year award, The Golden Nib Award, awards of merit in the RWA Holt Medallion competitions, and second place in the NEC RWA contests. She’s featured in the Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market. Before penning romances, she worked at a major Hollywood production company in Story Direction.

On a less serious note: she’s an admitted and unrepentant chocoholic, brakes for Mexican restaurants, and has been known to moan like Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally while wolfing down tostadas. She’s flown a single-engine airplane (freaking scary), rewired an old house using an ‘electricity for dummies’ book, and is horribly shy despite the hot romances she writes.








Amazon author page:

Sweet ‘n Sexy Divas:




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  1. Love the cover! And same for the blurb.

  2. You excel in portraying love that flourishes in the face of life-and-death struggles. This sounds great!

  3. She sounds like a woman I'd befriend. :)

  4. Oh, by the way he's thinking he's got it bad for her already! Great teasers, too!


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